
Metal Monsters : Behind the Scenes of the Righteous Redeemer Monster Truck

Metal Monsters

Metal Monsters: The Righteous Redeemer (Max) is a captivating TV documentary special that unveils the fascinating story behind the creation of the monster truck featured in the Season 3 finale of the popular show, The Righteous Gemstones. Viewers were awestruck by the monster vehicle’s flamboyant appearance, belching flames, and the roaring sound of ’80s-style Christian heavy metal. So, let’s delve into the world of monster trucks and meet the talented team behind this extraordinary creation at the Metal Shop in Delmar, Delaware.

Opening Shot: Danny McBride Introduces the Gemstones’ New Monster Truck

The documentary opens with Danny McBride, creator and star of The Righteous Gemstones, introducing the Gemstones’ impressive collection of vehicles, including private jets and a fleet of white Benz G-Wagens. He reveals that in the third season, they added a brand-new vehicle: a monster truck, which he affectionately calls “The Redeemer.”


The Gist: The Journey to Building the Righteous Redeemer

In the third season of The Righteous Gemstones, the Redeemer debuts as a teenage version of Jesse Gemstone, played by McBride, drives it around a muddy rally/Christian revival track. To create this custom monster truck, the show’s production staff faced a challenge in sourcing a suitable vehicle. However, McBride knew exactly who to call: Rick Disharoon and his son Ryan Disharoon.

Rick Disharoon, the founder and president of the Metal Shop, is a veteran monster truck driver, and his son Ryan designs and drives these colossal vehicles. The Metal Shop is renowned for crafting giant-sized monster trucks, trusted by legendary drivers like Dennis Anderson of Grave Digger fame.

The crew at the Metal Shop, including Ryan’s sister Jaclyn, Zach, and Brandon, have a tight 30-day window to build the Redeemer from scratch. Unlike regular vehicles, monster trucks require custom chassis, axles, and tires, along with handmade engines and fiberglass bodies. The Redeemer, tailored to the Gemstones’ specific needs, must be reliable for multiple takes during filming and safe for close interactions with people and film crews.

Throughout the documentary, the crew affectionately refers to the Gemstones as if they were real clients, adding a fun fictional touch to the behind-the-scenes experience. The team faces various challenges, such as making the Redeemer crawl up the trunk of Judy Gemstone’s car and crashing through an RV, all of which are skillfully executed.


The Human Side of the Metal Shop

While the Righteous Redeemer takes center stage, Metal Monsters also highlights the various other projects the Metal Shop is working on. One notable project involves building a tiki-style custom party boat with collapsible components, demonstrating the team’s impressive skill and attention to detail.


Final Thoughts: A Backdoor Pilot for a Fascinating Reality Show

Though Metal Monsters ties to The Righteous Gemstones, it also feels like a backdoor pilot for a potential reality show featuring Rick Disharoon and his family business building wild monster trucks and custom creations. The documentary introduces us to the charismatic and personable Rick Disharoon and showcases the dynamics within the auto and fabrication shops.


Our Verdict: A Must-Stream for Gearheads and Enthusiasts

Metal Monsters: The Righteous Redeemer is a must-stream for fans of The Righteous Gemstones and anyone fascinated by custom builds and monster trucks. The captivating journey of creating the Redeemer and the glimpse into the Metal Shop’s world are sure to captivate gearheads and grease monkeys alike. The documentary offers thrilling entertainment and serves as a perfect addition to the Gemstones’ universe.

Source: Decider

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