
Twitter’s new CEO shocks Ocasio-Cortez, locks her out of her Twitter Account

Ocasio-Cortez at the Assembly
Image Credit – Getty Images

The war between the new CEO of Twitter Elon Musk and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D.N.Y doesn’t seem to end as she stated on Thursday evening that her twitter account has stopped working

Elon Musk had earlier defended his plans to charge users $8 a month to keep their blue ticks on Twitter, Ocasio – Cortez had charged on Musk regarding the same.

“One guy’s business plan for a $44 billion over-leveraged purchase is apparently to run around and individually ask people for $8,” Ocasio-Cortez wrote in a series of tweets. “Remember that next time you question yourself or your qualifications.”

The mentioned tweet came after Elon pointed out a sweatshirt that cost $58 on Ocasio-Cortez’s website, thus defending his future plans with Twitter.

“Proud of this and always will be,” the Ocasio-Cortez responded. “My workers are union, make a living wage, have full healthcare, and aren’t subject to racist treatment in their workplaces. Items are made in USA.”

As per Ocasio-Cortez her notifications “conveniently” stopped working after this.

“Also my Twitter mentions/notifications conveniently aren’t working tonight, so I was informed via text that I seem to have gotten under a certain billionaire’s skin,” Ocasio-Cortez wrote.

The Democratic lawmaker added: “Just a reminder that money will never buy your way out of insecurity, folks.”

Elon on the other hand, has been repeatedly defending his statement and trying to hush his critics over the $8 Twitter fees after it was unofficially announced days ago, inviting critics like Ocasio-Cortez and others.

While the social media app will be free for most of its users, what’s interesting is that Elon had initially pitched a $20 monthly fee for verification but deduced it to $8. It is still not clear as to when will Twitter start charging its fee but also will make exceptions for scientific journals and others.

It was in April that Elon Musk planned to buy Twitter for $44 billion, the deal was later closed last Thursday evening. He had tried to back out from the deal which led to legal proceedings with the company.

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