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Mitt Romney battles with Biden budget director on Social Security


WASHINGTON—The ongoing Social Security fight between Democrats and Republicans reached a new pitch Wednesday as Sen. Mitt Romney grilled a White House budget official during a hearing.

A heated volley between Romney and Shalanda Young, director of the White House Office of Budget and Management, further revealed the finger pointing of both major parties. 

Politicians in Washington have been accusing each other of making decisions that will ultimately risk the sustainability of entitlements like Social Security and Medicare.

President Joe Biden has accused Republicans – including during his State of the Union address – of wanting to cut those programs, though GOP leaders and rank-and-file members have said they are off the table. 

What’s in the budget?:Biden’s about to unveil his budget proposal. His endgame: Forcing Republicans’ hand

‘That’s not a Republican plan’:McConnell distances GOP from Scott on Social Security, Medicare sunset plan

What did Romney say about Social Security solvency?

Romney shifted the argument back to the president on Wednesday, noting that Social Security is expected to run out of money sooner than expected in 2032. 

Young said she was aware of the shortfall. 

“Well, why is it then that in the president’s budget there’s no effort to address that whatsoever?” Romney asked Young. 

He interrupted an answer from Young, who was pivoting to say some members have called for cuts, to ask again: “Why does the president’s budget not lay out how you would protect Social Security?”

Young said Biden “believes the biggest threat to Social Security are those who want to cut it. His budget says no.”

More:President Joe Biden budget release silent on how to keep Social Security afloat long-term

Who wants to cut Social Security?

The budget director said she could provide Republican proposals to cut Social Security from some of the members’ websites, but Romney rejected that claim. 

He pressed her whether any of the proposals come from current senators or House members. 

“Yes,” Young said. “Have they changed their position? Maybe, but yes.”

Romney said that is “simply wrong, and it’s not honest to say that to members of Congress.”

“There’s nobody in this committee that wants to cut it,” he said. “I know of no Republican or Democrat in the House or the Senate who is proposing cutting Social Security benefits, and it’s dishonest to keep saying it. It’s offensive and dishonest and not realistic.”

Sen. Rick Scott’s previous proposal on Social Security

Sen. Rick Scott, R-Fla., a favorite target of the White House, last month amended his controversial proposal to sunset all federal programs every five years and claimed it was “never intended” to cut Social Security or Medicare.

Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell said in February any idea on sunsetting Social Security and Medicare belongs to Sen. Rick Scott—not the GOP.

“Unfortunately, that was the Scott plan, that’s not a Republican plan,” McConnell said on a Kentucky radio program last month.

More:GOP senator wants Biden budget in a ‘shredder’ and retirement age raised for Social Security

More:Sen. Joe Manchin floats ‘better program’ for future Social Security, Medicare beneficiaries

Contributing: Phillip Bailey and Joey Garrison.

Candy Woodall is a Congress reporter for USA TODAY. She can be reached at or on Twitter at @candynotcandace.


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