
Maine police comfort husky retires early due to stress, seizures


YORK, Maine – A comfort dog from a Maine police department is retiring after five months on the job due to seizures caused by stress.

The husky, named Yukon, has had two seizures since being brought on to York Police Department in September, according to his handler, York police Detective Jamie Robie.

One of the seizures was at the York Middle School while having lunch with a student. The other seizure, Robie said, took place when she was alone with him. She said Yukon was since examined by a vet and that stress is believed to be what triggered the seizures.

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York Police Department has a new comfort dog, Yukon, seen Wednesday, Oct. 5, 2022.

Police Chief Owen Davis told the Selectboard last week that Yukon’s unexpected seizure disorder means he will not be able to continue his role.

“It’s a great program, something that we want to instill,” Davis said. “Yukon’s got a great home right now, and is doing great, but wasn’t suited to be the comfort dog.”


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